12 things, I learned in twelve months by Aakash Agrahari

 12 things, I learned in twelve months

1, if people really loved you then they will stay with you. 

2, I am pretty jealous with you and smiling in your awkward jokes was that fool. 

3, Buy yourself the flowers and yes the coffees too. 

4, you finally travel alone peacefully and sees the world inside you

5, But you really don't need anyone. It's just you who need you. I am sorry but it's true.

6, and yes your weird smile still melts me. 

7, Yes you again started going on dates but your heart is still fearful . 

8, you graduate from your school and created all the memories for you.

9, you thought you could never make it but see now where are you.

10, you just leave your loved ones as friends to guard them just to be careful. 

11, you got some serious trust issues because your heart just decide to stay unbroken.

12, And after years of trying and trying , you finally fell in love with you. ❣️✨

                              ✍️ Aakash Agrahari


Your pretty eyes